Embracing Change in Our Faith

The Israelites had to learn to embrace change.

I remember growing up as a young boy, and my little brother would hang out with my friend group, even though we were about a year and a half older.

We were always a bit bigger, faster, and stronger, especially when it came to riding bikes.

My brother, however, was convinced that he had what it takes to be a NASCAR driver.

Every time we rode bikes, we would leave him in the dust, lapping him around the block. He became frustrated and angry because he couldn't keep up with us.

One day, he approached my dad and questioned why we were always faster. He argued that he had four wheels on his bike while we only had two, thinking he should be faster.

My father reminded him that he still had training wheels on, and until those training wheels came off, he would never be able to keep up with us.

This story reminds me of the Israelites and their faith.

Many of us have become acclimated to nothing more than a "training wheel" faith.

We pray for God to move in miraculous ways, but we are not willing to be changed.

We want God's power, but we resist any change that might be required of us.

In our own lives, what is it that God is preparing us for? What changes is God leading us to embrace?

We are not talking about changing the message of the Gospel, but perhaps the methods.

Just like the Israelites, we need to trust that safety and victory do not belong to us but to God.

There are times when even in our vulnerability, we must trust Him.

God will bring us to places of weakness and vulnerability to reveal the power of His strength.

The Israelites were forced to embrace change.

It may not seem like a big deal on the surface, but it was a change of diet, season, and place.

We must be willing to embrace change and develop unconditional surrender.

The methods may change, but the message of the Gospel never does.

So, I challenge you to take inventory of all the worries in your life.

Are you surrendered to these things, or have you surrendered them to God?

Let go of partial surrender and embrace unconditional and total surrender to God.

Trust that He is enough, and He will bring you through your battles.

Remember, there is no growth without change, and there is no change without embracing the unknown.

Embrace change in your faith journey, and let God lead you to new heights.

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You can also find this full service on YouTube!


Jericho Walls: Overcoming the Impossible


Following God's Lead: Lessons from the Story of Joshua