Be Available: A Lesson from Samuel's Life

MAIN PASSAGE: 1 Samuel 16:1-7 (NLT)

The story of Samuel is a powerful reminder of what it means to be available for God.

Samuel was available when God called him, even amidst the busyness of life. He understood that no matter what was going on in his life, he was never too busy for God.

This is a struggle many of us face today, with our lives filled to the brim with responsibilities and commitments. Yet, Samuel's example challenges us to place a higher value on our availability for God than on our abilities or accomplishments.

The elders in Samuel's time were gripped by fear when they saw him, worrying that something was amiss. However, Samuel reassured them, saying he had come to sacrifice to the Lord.

He then performed the purification rites for Jesse and his sons and invited them to join the sacrifice. This event was a community affair, and everyone was supposed to be present. Samuel was under the impression that Jesse and all his sons were already there, and he began sizing them up.

When they arrived, Samuel saw Eliab and immediately thought he was the Lord's anointed. However, God had other plans. He said to Samuel, "Don’t judge by his appearance or height, for I have rejected him. The Lord doesn't see things the way you see them. People judge by outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart."

1 Samuel 16:6-7 NLT

This message is as relevant today as it was in Samuel's time. All too often, we place a higher value on outward appearances than on the condition of our hearts.

We believe that if we look good to others, we must also look good to God.

Yet, God is not interested in our outward appearance. He is interested in the quality of our hearts.

God knows our motives. He knows whether we are genuine in our faith and commitment to Him. Our task, then, is not to impress others with our appearances or accomplishments but to strive for a pure and devoted heart that seeks God above all else.

In the end, God chose David, the youngest and least impressive of Jesse's sons, to be anointed by Samuel. David was a humble shepherd boy, far from the image of a mighty king.

Yet, God saw in David a heart that was committed to Him. He saw a young man who was not too busy for God, a young man who was available.

The story of Samuel and David challenges us to be available for God, to place a higher value on our hearts than on our appearances or accomplishments.

It reminds us that God can use anyone who is willing to be used, regardless of their status or abilities.

All He requires is a heart that is open and available.

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Overcoming Fear Through Faith: Lessons from David and Goliath


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