Following Jesus: It's Not About the Rules

In our journey of faith, it's easy to get caught up in rules and regulations, thinking that following them is what saves us.

But the truth is, it's not the laws that save us, and it's not the laws that are important.

Following Jesus is what truly matters.

Throughout history, churches have faced a common problem of emphasizing rules over the essence of Jesus' teachings.

We unintentionally turn people away from Jesus when we prioritize regulations instead of showing them the love and grace that Jesus offers.

Now, let's clarify something important.

The law is not inherently bad. Rules and order are necessary to prevent chaos.

In Galatians chapter 3, it is explained that the law acted as our guardian until the way of faith in Christ was revealed. The law provided boundaries that pointed people to what truly mattered - Jesus.

Imagine a football game. Rules guide the players on the field, showing them the way to go.

Similarly, as believers in Christ, rules and regulations provided by the Bible keep us in line. However, they are not what's important.

Jesus and following Him are what truly matter. If a football player decides to go off the field and ignores the rules, they won't score a touchdown. In the same way, focusing only on rules and regulations without following Jesus will prevent us from truly experiencing who He is.

It's crucial to note that following Jesus is not about us.

It's not about our efforts to be right or to check off enough boxes.

It's about receiving the love of Christ.

We don't deserve this love, and no matter how hard we try, we can never earn it. We are fallen and sinful, unable to stay within the boundaries set by rules alone.

Thankfully, Jesus came to take our place and provide the way for us to be made right with God through His sacrifice.

Receiving the love of Jesus is a simple yet profound act.

We must believe in Him and acknowledge our need for Him. It's not about following rules; it's about receiving His grace.

As the Bible says in Galatians 2:16,

"A person is made right with God by faith in Jesus Christ, not by obeying the law."

We live in a culture that often celebrates self-reliance and the idea that we can achieve anything through our own efforts. But following Jesus requires us to surrender control and acknowledge that we can't do it on our own.

The culture of Christ must outweigh the culture of our nation.

Let's remember that Jesus' love and sacrifice are greater than anything we can accomplish on our own. We don't need to strive to earn His love because it's freely given.

So let go of the burdensome focus on rules and regulations, and instead, receive the immeasurable love of Jesus. Accept that we are broken sinners who desperately need a Savior.

Following Jesus is not about the rules; it's about embracing His love and letting Him transform our lives.

In conclusion, let's shift our focus from rules to Jesus. Let's show others the love and grace that He offers, rather than turning them away with a legalistic mindset.

Following Jesus is about receiving His love and acknowledging that we can't save ourselves. It's about embracing His grace and allowing Him to guide our lives.

So, let's set our hearts on Jesus and experience the freedom and joy that comes from following Him.

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Jesus and the Open Door of Obedience


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